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Jung at the Movies

Being on the Path of Individuation: An exploration of the movie Central Station

Individuation is a process rather than a final product, a journey of self-discovery rather than a final destination, a circumambulation rather than a straight trajectory. On that journey, answering the call, taking a risk and staying related in times of crisis is of primary importance.

There is no Individuation without Relatedness, whether it is to others or to oneself.


In this seminar we will look at a mother/son-type relationship in as the two characters travel together on a quest for the missing father.

Required viewing before seminar: Central Station (W. Salles, 1998) As this movie can be difficult to locate, the presenter will use numerous excerpts from the movie during the presentation.

Presentation organized for the Public Program of OAJA

For more information and to register for this Zoom presentation, visit

September 26

On the Path of Individuation: Answering the Call

November 25

Jung at the Movies