Serenity and Strength with Elisabeth
Serenity and Strength YouTube channel is born at a time of high stress and insecurity for the whole world.
Some of us have lost loved ones to the Coronavirus pandemic, others have lost their jobs, we have had to live in isolation: we have lost our sense of freedom, of physical connection to our friends and family. It seems like wherever we look we encounter loss.
Connecting to ourselves through our body, our breath, mind and spirit reconnects us with who we are.
Staying present to whatever we are experiencing allows us to nurture ourselves.
When we get anxious, for example, we tend to travel either to the past or to the future but we rarely stay in the present.
We wish the past had been different and we hear such phrases as: “I should have done this” “If only I had done that” and those thoughts usually come as a judgement.
We also may look to the future with worry and fear: “I am afraid that this will happen.”
When we are caught in those different scenarios we are no longer living in the present moment, we have left our bodies and we have followed our mind wanderings.
I have designed a series of videos with easy movements and breath exercises to bring us back to the present, to our body and our breath. Those movements, borrowed from Qigong, Tai Chi and Yoga, will help deal with anxiety, stress, fear, depression, anger and other unwelcome emotions.
These series can be done on their own or combined with one another depending on your time and level of energy.
All exercises are simple and can be done anywhere, any time: at home, with your favorite music playing in the background or in nature once you are familiar with the series.
You can adopt the movements to your level of ability and comfort, you can reduce the range of motion, do them sitting rather than standing. I have devised them so that everybody can enjoy doing them and benefit from them.