Class Outline

Class 1
The World of Performance: Introduction to Concepts

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

What is your experience with nerves? 

The Inner Game of Music
What is self 1/self 2?
Performance = potential minus interference (P=p-i)
Definitions and examples of exterior and interior interference

The Power of Awareness: Being Present
Introduction to stretching and breathing exercises
Concentration exercise

Class 2
Finding Inner Strength

Accessing the Inner Quiet
Breathing exercises
Complete stretching exercises
Stress-releasing techniques

Recovering a Sense of Safety: Trust & Will
Goals: how to work with them
Inner blocks to full realization: core negative beliefs
Power of change: affirming weapons

Class 3
Recovering a Sense of Power and Possibility

Dealing with Criticism
Good criticism and bad criticism
Notebook of positive qualities
What to do with criticism

Energy or the Art of Relaxed Concentration
Definition of the concept of “relaxed concentration”
Invigorating exercises
Streaming energy
Tai chi and Qigong

Class 4
Reprogramming the Mind: The Power of Imagination

Dealing with Losses and Failures
Gain disguised as loss
Steps into your dream

High-Performance Imagery
Focal Images
Introduction to visualization
Guided exercises in relaxation

Class 5
Being a Successful Artist

A Winning Attitude
Definition of success: building a new self
Mental toughness

The Act of Auditioning
High-performance lifestyle
Audition preparation skills

Your Mission as an Artist


Liberating the Voice